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Service & Repair:
(973) 839-9220
Roadside Assistance:
(973) 980-0355
Service & Repair:
(973) 839-9220
Roadside Assistance:
(973) 980-0355
Contact Us

Give us
a call.

Call (973) 839-9220 to speak directly with one of our friendly staff members who will assist you with any inquiries and schedule your appointment.

Book your appointment online.

Our user-friendly site makes it easy to select a date and time that works best for you.

Drop by our location.

Stop by 6 Farmingdale Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470, during our operation hours to speak with our team in person.

No matter how you choose to reach us, our dedicated team will ensure that your auto repair needs are met. We look forward to providing you with reliable and professional service.

Our Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 - 5:00 pm